Here you'll find some ready-made content suggestions for your Gatherings.
Invite or Launch Event
If you decide to offer an Invite or Launch Event, this suggested programme may help you prepare.
Gathering 1
Here's an outline programme template for your first Gathering.
Gathering 2
Here's a pre-prepared programme outline for your second Gathering.
Gathering 3
Here's a pre-prepared programme outline for your third Gathering.
Gathering 4
Download a ready-made programme template for your fourth Gathering here.
General Gathering planning aid
Here's a 'blank' programme template for any Gathering that follows your fourth one.
Other helpful resources
- A 'pros and cons' comparision of in-person and online Gatherings
- A document to help with the post-Gathering debrief
- A Facilitation Team Exercise to dig into and embed the Greenhouse Ethos
- Suggested outline for Greenhouse Facilitation Team Familiarisation and Planning Meeting ahead of each Gathering (formerly 'Pre-call')
- We send a Reflection or Prayer each month in the Facilitators' Newsletter. Feel free to use these in your Gatherings if you wish.