Soulspace can be used by people intentionally starting a new worshipping community, or by parishes that want to introduce a spiritual extra to an existing outreach activity.
It's widely available on the Church Support Hub learning site, where all the downloads and suggestions for how to use it are provided.
It was developed to help Teams encourage their community to experience God's love through worship and to spark deeper conversations. It could even help Teams to create a pathway to a new congregation, moving them step by step to the 'Church' stage of the Missional Journey by:
- Adding a 10-minute optional spiritual extra to their outreach activity, using the short version of Soulspace.
- In time, adding in one of the sets of questions in Soulspace to grow the optional extra into a ‘church service’, with Welcome, Worship through music, Bible reading, Sermon in form of discussion, silent Prayer, Blessing.
- Then adding in Confession, short Creed and Lord’s Prayer to make it a Service of the Word (Soulspace will have suggestions for this later in 2025).
- Then adding a short Eucharistic Prayer (again Soulspace will suggest one later this year).
- Eventually leading to a new congregation with full sacramental worship.
What Teams are saying about Soulspace
Here are few reports about Soulspace which the national Greenhouse team has received:
- Laura, who has been bringing to Soulspace a young adult voice, worked on the material with her sister who doesn’t go to church. Laura's sister said, ‘Is there going to be one of these I can go to?’
- Sue tried Soulspace with her rural parents cafe. One helper plus child came, and one parent plus child. One woman was moved to tears during the session and the other said how much she loved it.
- One downtown minister from the US heard about Soulspace via Mike Moynagh during a north California diocesan conference in November 2024. He tried it with his community meal and was so surprised by the response among his volunteers, (some not churchgoers) and some of the guests, that he emailed his bishop!
- Minnesota episcopal diocese will use Soulspace (adapted to the culture) at all the groups which Mike Moynagh will be meeting during his one-week visit in January 2025.
Please share your thoughts
The Greenhouse Team would love to know what you think, and what your Teams think, about using Soulspace. Contact us to offer feedback/suggestions.